Shell natural small conch nail shell DIY hand-decorated and dyed small starfish hermit crab shell changing for children to play

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0.55 kg
শিপিং চার্জঃ Per Kg

উপরে উল্লেখিত মুল্য শুধুমাত্র আপনার পণ্যের ক্রয়মুল্য, পণ্য আসার পর শিপিং চার্জ আলাদা যোগ হবে।।

বিস্তারিত দেখুন

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Product Code: abb-630216858662
Approximate Weight: 0.55Kg
Total Sold: 0
Seller Score: 2



Seller Info

Is it a patent source?no
color1 pound of nail shells within 1cm - bag, 1 pound of custom mixed conch shells 4-12cm, 1 pound of natural small shell slices 18-22mm, 350g conch shells and starfish mixed tote bag - bag, small red conch shells 2-3cm each Jin, 350g conch shell mix mesh bag - bag, 600g canned conch shell mix - can, carefully selected white scallops 10-12cm - single piece, thick colorful summer mussels 10-12cm - single piece, 10 white extra large shells 10- 12cm, 2 pieces of 6-8cm white scallops, 6 pieces of 3-5cm white scallops, 105 pumpkin bottles, shells and conch mix - one box
Processing and customizationyes
styleSoutheast Asia
Item number2025
Is it a gift?no
Whether to provide exclusive supply for cross-border exportsno

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